Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The mustache- Dora

M.Daou, in his beautiful cab ,a shinny and old mercedes.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

this is ... RAWANESQUE!- Bliss Street

Rawane two month ago ... flying to Montreal...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hearts between the grey - Souk EL Ahad


it was a rainy and grey day, a lot of salesman in grey colors too, but she was there searching for old disk.

The Hat of the Bookman - Souk El Ahad

or I' ll say the heart of the bookman.
He gifted me a french book. in fact he wanted to give me all of his french book. I finally chose one (an english book translated in french), I flash on the title : "Le secret de la joie" from Alice Walker.
she wrote the purple color, remember, the movie?
I' m still reading it and I' ve stopped on this (in french too):
"Lara(la panthere) qui maintenant ne ressentait qu' indifference a leur egard se pencha sur la surface de l' eau embrassa son image sereine et le baiser dura longtemps, jusqu' au fond de la riviere... "

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

walking under the rain- near EDL


and "voila"!

Hands are the best reminder, you just need a good pen that's all!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Marathon Beirut- Sunday- Place des Marthyrs



Friday, November 20, 2009

any SpaceTime cab in the area? - Dora highway

need to go back to the 40's!

these two man have a really weird accent in arabic, unfortunatelly don' t know from were...

...and the mystery will remain unsolved...

Doctor Knock- center ville!

or if you prefer his real name ...Doctor.Maximous

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Magical Day - Jounieh

Wadad, Lady Umbrella :) it can be a rainy, sunny,any kind of day you will always see her with an umbrella!

she' s my birthday gift! i think in a way she is one of the reason why i started this kind of blog.
it has been years that i always see her walking on the same road... and finally...
i don' t know life can be pretty amazing sometimes, i just wished for my birthday this morning to have her on my road... and believe me it has been a while that i didn' t see her and at the moment i expected the least she just appeared...
By taking her in picture i had the chance to know more about her . I' ve always imagined different stories about her,
Wadad is a taylor. and every outfit that you see in this picture is made by her,exept the umbrella, the purse.
and this is not the last time that you' ll meet her. i' m sure that i'll cross her road again...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

a small walk in DT -Beirut


it was a very funny moment.
while i was asking her if i could take her in picture she just pronounce my nickname " are you shezshe?"

she is a friend of Anissa Helou .(mother and daughter).
believe me Lebanon is a very small country!

i just get straight towards him.
i love his cut and his classic-rock style.

PS: Thomas is the sales director of Guiseppe Zanotti design shoes.

nice shoes!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sweet Elena,Sweet Arianna

After my seaside roadtrip, i just decided that it was the time to come back on earth! through the zouk of Jounieh! and yes i was hoping to find something, it can be difficult there sometimes... and then something appeared !

shoes and shinny skirt!


Elena and her mother Arianna

On the road - Scouting seaside road...

i was on a seaside road... but Maameltain+Safra +early in the morning + Rainy day ...guess what? no look!!!
but then,
i saw him alone in the middle of the empty road running with his white coat...

the well known PELICAN of OUKAIBE (3kaibe)!(thank you Jobox from 3kaibe;))

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1 month ago...remember jeux de la francophonie...

at the palais de l' Unesco during the "french game"... if my friend wasn' t participating at this game i think that i wouldn't have met this two person:(( (very very bad advertisement, and very very ... colonialist!)

may i present you 2 dancers from Ivory Coast,

i just love his shirt!
african textile and african design, it' s just full of life!

hellooooooo.... Louba!

know you understand from where her energy is coming from!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mother and Daughter: Mar Mikhail

i was driving like always in my car, and than i saw this two tall woman walking in this crowded street and i just jumped on them... yes with my car:)))
can i take a picture of you two ?
They just made my day:)

Lou and Anissa


at a book fair hopping to find The look ,
desperate i was...
when suddenly she appears to me,
The girl with the red hair...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



i think that Alex loved the fact that i took him in picture that day, that i noticed him the day after wearing the same outfit!

The same day-the same place- at work

Daniel and Flo-
they just appear to me wearing with the same rayban green glasses.

Flo and his beautiful tatoo.
if you want to make it one , the neck is nice place it's as the same time noticable and discret.